2-Dimensional Design-Fall 2011

"A studio course in two-dimensional design stressing a problem solving approach. The course introduces principles governing the use of form. Projects focus on the execution of both black-and-white and color designs in a variety of media. Students may not take this course and AFA 105 for credit." 

Project #1
Project 1, Curved Composition 1

Project 1, Curved Composition 2

Project 1, Diagonal Composition 1 

Project 1, Diagonal Composition 2

Project 1, Horizontal/Vertical Composition 1 

Project 1, Horizontal/Vertical Composition 2

This project was constructed on white Bristol board with black construction paper cut with an X-acto knife and applied with rubber cement.  The purpose was to explore the different types of lines and the way composition is formed.

Project #2
Composition 1

Composition 2

Composition 3

Project #2 built upon the theories explored in Project #1.  Each composition required all three types of line, Diagonal, Horizontal/Vertical, and Curved.   

Project #3
In this project, students were instructed to draw accurately a still life set up by the teacher and to them form a composition based on this drawing.  

Project #4
Part A
Part B

Part A of this project was a rendering in graphite of a Renaissance painting.  I chose Woman in Blue Reading A Letter by Johannes Vermeer.  Secondly, using the principles of design, students created a cubist composition based in that piece.

Project #5
Acrylic on Cold Press Illustration Board
8" x 10"
2-Dimensional Design
20-2" squares consisting of shape, line, overlapping and pattern were used to make this composition.  

Project #6
Acrylic on Cold Press Illustration Board
8" x 8"
2-Dimensional Design

Like Project #5 above, 9-2" squares consisting of shape, line, overlapping and pattern were used to make this composition, although in addition to the use of shade students to used color and tints.